

Ashanti Proverb: "The ruin of a nation begins in the homes of its people." is committed to reach deep into your conscious thoughts, to touch you with a feeling of joy and to inspire all to strive for better communication with each other. Our mission also is to  inspire you to be a better mother to your children and a better father to your children; to love your spouse unconditionally and above all else to focus on the good in our lives as we do our part to make things right.

"Hop" is the Founder/ President of Hippity Hop Productions LLC.   "Hop" is the creator of numerous art products which include paintings depicting African Americans and African themes.  His love for children motivated him to create several children’s coloring books entitled, ColorMeCrazy-Animals of Africa From A to Z, Endangered and Extinct Animals,  Mythical Creatures,  Animals of Australia, Creatures of the Ocean , and Dinosaurs. There are also thirty-three characters  that "Hop" created to interact within short stories for children. The Adventures of Dody the Dodo Bird is the first book in a series of three, depicting 33 animal characters who will educate children about the harms and perils of affiliating with drugs.  

In addition, the upcoming series will feature animated boys and girls learning life lessons, such as the importance of education and how wellness translates into happiness for the child. By simply eating right for optimal nutrition, exercising for strong, healthy bodies, and developing mental, spiritual, and emotional strength through facing challenges straight ahead, children will gain coping skills and become adept at striving for personal triumph. We believe that addressing positive ways to handle peer pressure, "moving through" adolescent pain and disappointments, and learning mediation skills will strengthen relationships with the self, as well as with loved ones right in our communities. Our primary goal is to help children learn life lessons.


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